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What is Healy?


Healy is a small, portable and easy to use frequency divice that analyzes the missing frequencies in your body and restores them through vibrations caring your health. You can use it to treat yourself and other people, even at a distance .



Released in 2019, Healy was developed by Markus Schmieke and his team to overcome all the limitations of the Time Waver and extend its capabilities.


It works with a quantum sensor that scans more than 9 million frequencies in the information and bioenergetic fields of your patients, detecting imbalances that cause physical or mental damage.


With Healy you can apply microcurrent therapies to strengthen their cellular health or individualized frequencies that restore their bioenergetic balance.


If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

-Nikola Tesla

HEALY is a class 2 portable medical device approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) that uses quantum physics to analyze and heal your individual energetic frequencies.


The device can diagnose by analyzing individual frequencies and then offers solutions to address the physical, mental, emotional, chakra and meridian side. It can also provide nutrition through frequencies and much more.

HEALY is a device for the specific treatment of fibromyalgia, migraine, skeletal and chronic pain. It is also used for support treatment for depression, anxiety and sleep-related disorders among others.

Healy is approved as a medical device to treat chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine. Also for cases of depression, anxiety and insomnia.

Healy can work on animals, plants, organizations, cars, building and others.


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